Crawford Supports the Sheriff's Office
/August is “back-to-school” Month and those costs can add up quickly!
Crawford Landscaping is proud to help sponsor the “COPS AND KIDS” fundraiser campaign. This campaign helps underprivileged children in the Naples-Collier County area and is organized and hosted by the Fraternal Order of Police, Collier County Lodge 38.
With the help of many people and organizations in Collier County, the Fraternal Order of Police have been coordinating this fund raiser for over 3 years and this year we have been able to help out approximately 60 children and raised over $15,000. Several members of this chapter personally took some of these less fortunate children, out shopping for much needed clothing, and school supplies, before school started.
The Fraternal Order of Police is a non-profit organization of retired and active police officers and began in 1915. By 1917 they started expanding and there are over 2100 lodges with over 325,000 members across the country. Please visit their website: to learn more on about their organization, or how you can help underprivileged kids in Naples-Collier County.
Shawn McDole, CFO, presenting a representative from the Collier County Sheriff’s Office with Crawford’s donation.